Hospital Ordered to Pay Compensation for Mistaken Gall Bladder Removal

A hospital in Rajasthan has been instructed by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) to pay Rs 3 lakh as compensation to a patient. It was discovered that instead of removing gall stones, the hospital had mistakenly taken out the patient’s entire gall bladder.

The patient, a 35-year-old woman, had undergone surgery at the hospital specifically for the removal of gall stones. However, during the procedure, the doctor made an error and removed the entire gall bladder instead. Although the patient was discharged from the hospital a few days later, she continued to experience abdominal pain.

Subsequently, the patient lodged a complaint with the NCDRC, alleging medical negligence on the part of the hospital. After investigation, the NCDRC determined that the hospital had not exercised sufficient care during the surgery, and the doctor had failed to adequately inform the patient about the potential risks associated with the procedure.

As a result, the NCDRC ordered the hospital to provide Rs 3 lakh as compensation to the patient. Additionally, the hospital was directed to pay Rs 50,000 towards the patient’s legal expenses.

This case emphasizes the significance of patient safety and the necessity for hospitals to take all necessary precautions to prevent medical errors. It also serves as a reminder to patients to be informed about the potential risks of any medical procedure and to ask questions before consenting to treatment.

About the NCDRC:

Established in 1986 by the government of India, the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) is a quasi-judicial body. Its primary role is to resolve consumer disputes, and it possesses the authority to grant compensation to consumers who have suffered harm due to business misconduct.

About Medical Negligence:

Medical negligence occurs when a doctor or healthcare professional fails to provide the standard of care expected in a given situation. Such negligence can result in severe injuries or even death, causing significant hardships for patients and their families.

If you suspect that you have been a victim of medical negligence, it is advisable to consult an attorney who specializes in medical malpractice. An attorney can guide you through understanding your rights and options and represent you in a lawsuit if necessary.

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